Time is moving fast.

Time is moving fast. I mean real fast.

Before I could realize, its already end of the year. I don’t really remember what have I done throughout the year other than eating. HAHAHA!
It is true that TIME wait for no one.

I wish I could adjust the time. Hoping that the working hours could move faster and the non-working days could move a little slower. hehehe…. I know this wish will never come true. Hence, I do not understand why Alex still doesn’t want to install the wall clock despite us moving into our new house for almost a year. Maybe he doesn’t want to watch the ticking time.

Time is moving fast before we could really appreciate things. I must really fill my time with more HAPPINESS!

Yes…happy news came in recently. My friend Wanyi has just gave birth last week. Yays….I’ve naik pangkat to be a “Kai Ma”! ^_^

This photo was taken on February 2012, when I had a dream about Wanyi telling me she is pregnant on the week before we meet up. The dream became reality when Wanyi went home tested a positive pregnancy strip. We were happy for her!

On May, we even traveled together to Bangkok.

On 1st of November, proudly announcing the arrival of Abel Boy. The miracle of God’s creation!

CONGRATULATIONS to Wanyi & Yew Kong.

I am one happy Kai Ma!

Look how adorable is Abel. The photocopy of Yew Kong. hahaha….

Alex said Abel is Yew Kong & Wanyi’s iPhone 6. Since they both kinda like Apple products. Hehehe….

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